Introduction (Marv’l & Milano)
As we know music today, the music industry has a HUGE name and value in the world, everyone loves listening to music especially melodic hip-hop and rap songs.
Speaking of melodic and rap, let me introduce you to two shining stars of the next-level industry standard. Marv’l and Milano. These two music artists have a song and music video dropping soon called “ Relocate” you can hear snippets and see behind the scene footage on their Instagram platforms.
A local fan had this to say:
“Let me just say I’m eager to hear and see the full project come to life! One can only wonder for so long before you start wanting to hear the full sound”
“This is high-quality sound at its best, trust that.” said their manager when asked about his opinion about “Relocate”
Could this song be the next hit for 2024?
It would most certainly be an interesting way to end their year with a bang.
The music video is projected to hit anywhere from 450,000 to 1.2 million views on YouTube, which is absolutely insane for two artists who barely have any music out.
There certainly is a mystery behind these artists, and frankly, it makes you want to know more about them!
So if you’re already a fan just from reading this article definitely follow them on their Instagram platforms below and keep up to date with their daily lives!
Instagram Marv’l = https://www.instagram.com/official.Marvl/
Instagram Milano = https://www.instagram.com/6kmilano/