LASIK vs Cataract Surgery: Which One Is Best For You

LASIK vs Cataract Surgery: Which One Is Best For You LASIK and cataract surgeries are the two different types of vision treatment done for separate reasons. When it comes to comparing one with the other and picking one as the best, it is not possible to do so because both treatments are different.

An eye specialist is the best person to decide which one of these two treatments will be the best solution for a particular person depending upon their eye condition. To understand this in detail, let’s talk about both LASIK and cataract surgeries.

What is LASIK?

Laser in-situ Keratomileusis or LASIK is a laser surgery method in which laser instruments are used to treat refractive errors. In this process, the cornea of the eye is operated to improve vision problems. A highly specialized laser instrument known as the excimer laser is used in this treatment procedure that helps in the reshaping of the cornea. 

What is Cataract?

Cataract forms in the lens of the eye with old age. It is the clouding of the natural lens that causes the vision to become weak eventually leading to blindness. This can be treated by cataract surgery that involves the use of an artificial lens. A cataract is a very common eye problem that is common among people above the age of 50.

Who Requires LASIK?

Since LASIK is a treatment done in patients with refractive errors, it eliminates the use of glasses or contacts. People with farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism are the best candidate for LASIK. You can get the best LASIK surgery in Delhi or in any other major city. Just make sure you find the right eye specialist for the treatment. 

Who Requires Cataract Surgery?

Candidates who have heavy, cloudy lenses that have been restricting clear vision need to undergo cataract surgery. This is a process that is easily done in an outpatient facility in an eye hospital. 

This treatment successfully shatters the cloudy lens and replaces the natural lens with an artificial one.  

How LASIK Treatment Works?

LASIK treatment is done using modern instruments such as femtosecond and excimer lasers. It involves making an incision in the cornea, creatting a flap. This, in turn, reshapes the cornea improving the refractive error. Mostly in LASIK treatment patients receive a full 20/20 vision. 

How Cataract Surgery Works?

This process involves the removal of the natural lens of the eye when it gets clouded. It is done by replacement of the old lens with a new artificial one. In most cases, patients require a mono-focal lens. But as per requirement, multifocal lenses can be also used. 

This method involves the use of a high-frequency ultrasound device that breaks the cloudy lens. Alter using a suction device the fragments of the natural lens is removed.

What Is The Difference Between LASIK and Cataract?

LASIK reshapes the cornea, thereby changes the way light enters into the eye. This helps to improve the vision. On the other hand, cataract removes the entire lens of the eye that gets cloudy and uses an artificial lens. 

In the LASIK procedure, the doctor makes a corneal flap. Therefore, strong cornea is required for the treatment. Not every candidate can be chosen for LASIK surgery. But in cataract, no such limitations are there. It can be done smoothly in any patient. 

LASIK is done in both eyes in the same session for most of the patients. But cataract can be performed in one eye at a time. 

The primary step one must take is to consult an ophthalmologist before planning for eye surgery. After a thorough diagnosis and tests, the doctor will suggest a suitable treatment for the patient. LASIK vs Cataract Surgery: Which One Is Best For You