Enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a health problem of aging men. Over one-half of men suffer from BPH symptoms by age of 60, and this quantity increases as men get older, so 90 percent of men older than 80 have enlarged prostate.
A recent article, published in the Current Geriatrics Reports on 7th of November 2019: “Medical Therapies for Treatment of BPH: Special Considerations in Elderly Men”, underlines: while many medical options exist for the treatment of BPH, their safety and efficacy as it relates to older adults are still under evaluation.
Therefore, Thermobalancing therapy with Dr. Allen’s device, which has proven its effectiveness and safety in stopping prostate enlargement and reducing the symptoms of BPH, must be the first line for BPH.
What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate?
Symptoms of BPH, namely lower urinary tract symptoms – LUTS, have a major impact on men, their families, health services and society. Frequent urination during day and night, poor and/or intermittent stream and incontinence are annoying. Usually, urologists focus on the symptoms of BPH and aggressively treat them using long courses of alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase-inhibitors. Ultimately, they offer a number of minimally invasive prostate surgeries
BPH drugs are unsafe
BPH drugs do not treat the prostate gland. These medications directed to reduce the urinary symptoms. However, this approach often leads to new health problems. It is important to know since BPH drugs are prescribed for life.
Alpha-blockers – relax the muscle of the prostate and bladder neck, allow urine to flow more easily. Can they decrease bladder detrusor muscle contraction with years? There are various names of alpha-blockers, like Tamsulosin, Terazosin, etc. Alpha-blockers can develop fatigue, headache, dizziness, and sexual dysfunction.
5-alpha-reductase-inhibitors are prescribed to influence on the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Can they lead to hormonal disbalance with years? There are various names of it: Finasteride, Proscar, Avodart and all of them are responsible for irreversible side effects: impotence, depression, test.cle pain, and even diabetes.
Surgeries for an enlarged prostate are risky
Urologists offer different surgical procedures: Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT), interstitial laser coagulation, transurethral laser ablation, transurethral ethanol injection therapy, transurethral electro vaporization, and high-power (80-W) potassium titanyl phosphate laser vaporization, UroLift, and others. All these procedures have a negative impact on men’s health, which makes it difficult to choose the best option among them. Most side effects of prostate surgery are associated with the sexual dysfunction that can cause depression almost 25% of patients.
Dr. Allen’s Device is safe
Dr. Allen’s Device is a class 1 medical device; therefore, it does not require the involvement of a notified body. The device is registered with Medical-Healthcare Agency in 2010. So, every man with BPH can use it day and night without worrying, since the device is safe.
10-year long empirical evidence and clinical controlled study strongly suggest that Dr Allen’s Device helps men with enlarged prostate reduce the prostate volume and urination symptoms. Thermobalancing therapy with Dr. Allen’s Device was patented by the USPTO.
Fine Treatment https://finetreatment.com/ is a healthcare company, a manufacturer and distributor of wearable therapeutic Dr. Allen’s Devices. Fine Treatment is a UK Department for International Trade (DIT) registered supplier to international buyers. Dr. Allen’s device is the most cost-effective solution as its price is less than $200.