If you are thinking of changing jobs or re-employing yourself, it is ideal that you are clear about your direction and the possibilities you have to achieve your goals. By 2024, according to WEF research, newly created jobs can be classified into two broad groups: on the one hand, data analysts, who help companies make better decisions; and on the other, specialized sales representatives, as all companies will need to reinforce their brand’s perception of value and their ability to communicate what they do to their customers. Furthermore, energy, media, and entertainment companies are expected to demand a new category of managers to help them deal with uncertainty and disruption in their business models. Don’t forget that finding a new job depends on your successful search and discipline.
Know your professional profile and accurate sectors
The first step is that you know what your profile is as a worker, what have been your most significant work experiences and in which field you could develop. The more the candidate is recognized, the greater the probability of finding a job that provides greater satisfaction.
Analyze the job market, the skills, and knowledge that are being demanded and what recruiters are most looking for. For selection teams, it is also important to identify candidates who have digital knowledge, a second language and who can describe their experience, qualities and focus in a short profile.
Use of social networks
It is time to encourage your handling of social networks and job search portals. You just have to enter your data to the platform, activate job alerts and learn to filter the vacancies published by the best companies in the country by position, salary and job area.
Having a good command of the Internet, you can also reactivate their network of contacts. Talk to your former bosses, colleagues, friends, and family about your intention to hire you. Experts affirm that this way is one of the most effective for them to call you for an interview because the resume is disseminated, you will be referenced and your work will be announced.
Update your resume
Discard the templates you always used in Word and risk using a much more striking resume format. On the internet, you can find different articles that will help you improve your resume and professional profile.
Finally, do not forget that for companies it is attractive that their employees or potential candidates are in constant search of learning to contribute to their work teams. If you are training, you can let the recruiter know or include it in your resume.
To know the most demanded skill
Creativity will be one of the top three most popular skills in the future. With the avalanche of new products and technologies, as well as new ways of working, workers are going to be more creative to benefit from the advances of the future. Robots can help make everything easier, but they can’t be creative like humans (yet).
On the future of software and society, a survey by the Economic Forum shows that people expect machine artificial intelligence to be part of a company’s board of directors in 2026.
Similarly, knowing how to listen which is key today could disappear from the top 10 of demanded skills. Emotional intelligence will be a key skill in the future which does not appear in the top 10 today.