The most significant advantage of distance learning is free time management. Everyone can decide for themselves when and where to study. However, this advantage can also turn into the opposite, namely when you are too easily distracted or ultimately devote less time to studying than you should.
The result is usually frustration. Many things are made up for, especially before exams, which then usually turn into pure stress. As a result, you will not achieve the goals you set yourself at the beginning of your studies or the course. Those who properly organize their distance learning and learn effectively will not encounter such experiences.
Successful learning can be learned. We have put together the six best tips on how to optimize your learning success in distance learning.
1. The perfect learning environment
Those who want to learn in a concentrated manner need a decent job. It, therefore, makes sense to deal intensively with the choice of the right learning location in advance.
Some prefer the bedroom. Others set up their own study and still others like to sit on the balcony or in the city library. As different as everyone learns, the choice of where to learn is also very individual. You should make sure that you learn in a calm atmosphere where you feel comfortable, which does not allow distraction or demotivation. You should, if possible, get out of the way of disturbing factors such as noise, cell phones, or annoying roommates.
The workplace should be bright and tidy so that your eyes don’t wander while studying. If you have too many odds and ends on your desk, you will quickly notice that the attention is fluttering. A coffee cup, a picture frame, even a potted plant can suddenly be more exciting than mathematics or economics. So create space in your head and on your desk.
2. Use the power of repetition.
As a university or college student, it is best to always repeat what you have learned regularly. Repetition plays a significant role in learning. For the daily repetition of your learning unit, 10 – 15 minutes are now sufficient. Use your notes and integrate the repetition unit into your daily routine. On the train or bus, on the way to work, brushing your teeth, having breakfast, on the train, while waiting, you can find 15 minutes for your repetition everywhere.
3. Try the ABCD method.
This method is perfect for getting a good overview of the essential tasks of the day or week. A-tasks will be at the top. B-tasks will come next as in the order of priority. And C-tasks include routine tasks such as tidying up and data maintenance and important things that have a comparatively long time, such as preparing for a wedding or a vacation. Finally, D-tasks can be canceled entirely or postponed for a long time if necessary.
4. Understand your performance curve
We cannot study equally well at all times of the day and night. The performance curve differs from person to person and depends on many factors. For example, some people have a high performance during the morning, a low right after lunch, and another high in the early evening.
Over time you will find out when the best learning times are for you to optimize your daily routine accordingly. Sometimes you have to overcome yourself one way or another and still learn. But if you know your phases, you can get better into the learning flow. Try to stick to these favorable learning times.
5. Take breaks
From time to time, our brain also needs a break. So if you notice that you can no longer focus or only concentrate with great effort, take a break. Open the window, let some fresh air come in, or even take a short walk around the building.
There are days when learning just doesn’t seem to work the way you want. But, that is not the end of the course either. Treat yourself to a break and deliberately enjoy your free time. The next day is all the better for it.
6. Reward yourself for your performance
Reward your hard work and learning. go to a restaurant and treat yourself with a healthy meal, go to the movies, do something with friends, or make a long-awaited wish come true. To do this, you define a learning goal that you will achieve before your reward. In this way, you do something good for yourself and motivate yourself for the next learning unit.