Think about 13 of your closest friends. According to the WHO, at least 1 of them suffers from anxiety.
Unfortunately, the chances of that friend getting treatment for their anxiety are slim. Despite the overwhelming amount of people with anxiety, only 37% are treated.
Some people don’t get help because they’re ashamed. Others are scared. More often than not, a lack of money and insurance is what keeps people from seeking treatment.
Over the last few years, a new treatment option burst onto the market.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in cannabis. Scientists discovered that it calms anxiety.
The problem is, CBD oil is messy. Luckily, there are now CBD patches for anxiety on the market.
Ditch the drippy oil and switch to CBD patches. Here are 10 reasons why you should embrace CBD patches.
- CBD Works Naturally Within Your Body
All animals, including humans, have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is the body’s version of a post office. It passes messages between the cells.
Humans naturally produce cannabinoids to work in this system. Some people don’t produce enough cannabinoids. Scientists think this is why people develop conditions like fibromyalgia.
Cannabinoids from cannabis, like CBD, work just like human cannabinoids in the ECS.
- CBD Won’t Get You High
Within the ECS are receptors that “read” the messages. CBD interacts with these receptors far differently than THC.
THC affects a person’s perception and makes them feel giddy. CBD, on the other hand, leaves you clear-headed. For those who need to be medicated during work, CBD is an excellent option.
- CBD Dosage Adapts to Your Needs
No one processes CBD the same way. Metabolism, body weight, and severity of your anxiety determine how much you need to take.
The general rule with CBD is to start with a low dose between 20 mg and 40 mg.
The first time you take it, sit and watch a movie. At the end of the movie if you still feel anxious, take a little more CBD.
- CBD Doesn’t Have Many Side-Effects
One reason anxiety patients use CBD to treat anxiety is because it is safe. The WHO says that CBD has a good safety profile.
Common CBD side-effects include:
- Lack of appetite
- Dry mouth
- Sleepiness
- Diarrhea
Talk to your doctor before adding CBD to your daily routine. While mostly harmless, it does affect the way your liver functions.
Your liver determines how fast you metabolize medications. Time-released drugs won’t work as they should. This could lead to serious complications.
- CBD Patches Provide Hours of Relief
Most people use CBD oil or edibles for their treatment. The problem with these is they take up to 2 hours to get to work.
If you’re in the middle of a panic attack, waiting 2 hours for relief might make things worse.
The other problem is, other dosing methods only work for 2-4 hours.
CBD patches last anywhere from 12 hours to 4 days. They’re perfect for busy people or those who forget to take their medications on time.
- CBD Patches Are Discreet
Taking medications in public leaves people feeling judged for their conditions. No one should shy away from taking care of themselves, though.
To take CBD oil or tincture, you have to use a dropper. Even if you try to sneak your dose, someone is bound to notice.
CBD edibles are easier to hide. But if you’re eating one gummy, people will know you’re taking a cannabis product. No one eats just one gummy bear.
With the CBD patch, you put it on and go. No droppers. No double-sealed baggies.
The patches are just like nicotine patches. They lay flat under your t-shirt and stay hidden.
- Patches Take the Guesswork Out of Dosing CBD
There are no labeling standards for CBD products. This makes measuring CBD oil and tinctures difficult for new patients.
Some labels include the amount of CBD in the whole bottle. They leave it up to you to figure out how much CBD is in each drop. Sitting down to do math during an anxiety attack isn’t going to happen.
CBD patches come in clearly labeled packages. The average dose of CBD is around 30 mg. To get a patch of your own, visit www.cbdwarehouseusa.com.
- CBD Helps With More Than Just Anxiety
Anxiety often walks hand-in-hand with other mental disorders. During testing, CBD proved to have a positive effect on disorders like depression.
Some physical conditions cause or worsen anxiety. These include:
- Adult ADHD
- Bipolar disorder
- Chronic pain
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Stress
- Insomnia
Remember the endocannabinoid system? All of these conditions include functions controlled by the ECS. Adding CBD to your system will help ease these problems.
- CBD Acts as a Stepping Stone to Anxiety Treatment
In 2019, there was a study on CBD’s effects on social anxiety disorder (SAD). The study gave Japanese teenagers 300 mg of CBD per day for a month. Some were given a placebo and 17 received the CBD.
At the end of the month, half of those who took CBD sought further treatment for anxiety. This is amazing because teens with SAD usually avoid therapists.
- There’s No Risk of Overdose With CBD Patches
Yes, there are a few side-effects of consuming CBD. But none of them are fatal unless you’re allergic to cannabis.
Many of the current studies about CBD include using large doses to test its safety. One test found that people who take 1500 mg of CBD suffer no ill effects.
If you do get sick from taking CBD, it probably isn’t the CBD itself.
Some CBD sellers do not do quality testing. Testing CBD products shows if there is mold, bacteria, or pesticides in it. Never consume a CBD product that hasn’t been tested.
Use CBD Patches For Anxiety and Find Relief Today
Don’t be one of the 37% who suffers from anxiety without getting help. Remember, there is no shame in taking care of yourself.
If the idea of medications scares you, use CBD patches for anxiety instead. The CBD will calm your mind and allow you to think clearly. As a bonus, it’s completely natural.
Would you like to know more about the benefits of CBD? Take a look at our Health section.