Top 7 Mobile SEO Pitfalls You Must Avoid

Mobile SEO is one of the most essential components of an effective marketing strategy. Still, despite this obvious fact, countless businesses neglect this part. The average online user uses their smartphones for about 5 hours a day. Moreover, it doesn’t help that average mobile users have a short fuse. In fact, research has shown that more than half of all mobile users will abandon a website that loads longer than 3 seconds.

Now, you’re probably asking yourself what you should do to attract more mobile traffic. You can start this by learning about the most common mistakes you should avoid aking.

Below are the top seven blunders that most businesses make when it comes to their mobile SEO:

Tiny font size

In designing your website, the topmost element you should take into account is the mobile experience. Whether you believe it or not, but a poor mobile experience will implicate your SEO, and this could directly affect your bounce rate. Thus, you should keep an eye out on your Google Analytics because having a high bounce rate can harm your organic rankings as suggested by Bobs SEO. Which is the leading SEO in Las Vegas

Also, what looks great on desktops might not be the same on smartphones or tablets. So, ever use tiny fonts that make your content hard, or worse, impossible, to read. Also, for your headers, don’t make them too big that they will take up half of your page.

Unresolved 404 errors

You’re familiar with 404 errors, right? This error happens when a user types an incorrect URL. But it also happens if a page no longer exists. 404 errors can be common on mobile. In some cases, webmasters just skip on developing a mobile version of a website.

If so, then at the very least, you have to redirect online users to the desktop version of your site. That’s because having a high number of broken links will harm your site ranking. Hence, when it comes to mobile SEO, it’s essential to get rid of all 404 pages.

Incredibly slow page speed

Again, the majority of mobile users won’t tolerate slow websites. Not that it’s a surprise though, considering other tons of options at their fingertips. They would rather go to another website that functions well than wait forever for your site to load. So, if you want to have an effective mobile SEO, then it’s crucial to optimize your page speed.

One of the ways you can solve this issue is to compress your images. Making sure that your code is optimized is also a great move. And remember, skimping on web hosting is the worst idea ever.

Neglecting blank spaces

Truth be told, mobile users dislike getting bombarded with content in virtually every line. That is why many websites use short paragraphs, instead, with only 1-3 sentences in each one. Doing so will boost the readability of your mobile content, especially now that mobile readers tend to just skim. Albeit a simple problem, it’s also one of the huge changes you can implement for your mobile SEO.

Insufficient mobile keyword optimization, or lack thereof

Most businesses think that keywords for desktop perfectly match keywords for mobile. Well, hate to break it to you, but this concept isn’t as simple as you think. Although in many cases, desktop and mobile keywords do match, they aren’t entirely the same as well. People search differently on mobile.

For example, mobile users tend to use shorter queries when searching for quick solutions. Then they also use voice search nowadays to conduct these searches. Thus, for your mobile keyword research, emphasize more on conversational phrases and questions.

Calls-to-action that are hard to find

A call-to-action (CTA) is one of the essential parts of your website. Make sure that all your CTAs are easy to click and aren’t similar to each other. For starters, don’t place them too close together, but rather, try to highlight them on the page. If you do have multiple buttons near each other, it’s okay so long as they are reasonably related. If possible, use wide-sized buttons. This will help boost the chances of your CTAs getting clicks on the first try.

No optimization for local search

It’s important to focus on local keyword optimization-that’s a fact. However, research revealed that local terms are being searched by users on mobile devices more often than on desktops. Such searchers are typically the transactional type of user intent, which means that they provide more value to your SEO company, as they are more likely to end up in sales.