You may be itching to walk into the baby shops and start buying baby gear for months. We all know that it is too hard to refuse cute toys or clothes, but you should not mount your pregnancy costs, so you may need to postpone your shopping time. Before you purchasing or receiving any item that you do not need or use, ensure that you have a list for must-have baby items and how to make the most of them at the same time. You can use some following tips before you go to shops selling baby gear.
Sometimes, you wonder about what are the most essential items for your newborn. Although there is a popular belief that you need to start shipping once the baby was born, this is also a good way to prepare the arrival for your baby. Most parents will buy toys, blanket, shoes, and sometimes a bigger house after their baby was born, but this is also necessary to know your list first.
Always do your research first
When it comes to purchasing baby items then you will find a wide range of bells and whistles and price tags as well. Make sure that you always read the products first before you find out the right model for you and your newborn as well. You should know whether you need to keep on the high-tech model or you can live with the low-tech model. Of course, you can compare some products as well – ask them to provide you with the pros and cons of their favorite products. There are many things that you need to know first before purchasing your baby items and always do your research more. You can get so many references in Birds&Bees (Toko Bayi).
Do not tempt easily with newborn-size clothes
It is so hard to curb your desire to purchase cute clothes for your newborn? All of them are so cool and cute. You can get more mileage if you purchase six-month size clothes instead of three-month clothes as well. Make sure that they are right for that season as well. There are many babies who can grow into six-month clothes long before reaching their half-year birthday as well. Meanwhile, too-big clothes can be rolled up to fit with your stylish baby. Keep in mind that too-tight clothes mean a fussy and unhappy baby. You can go to baby shops and choose basic clothes in various sizes as well.
Always do a safety check when purchasing used baby gear
We all know that shand-me-downs items are a great way for new parents to save, but perform a quick check before you receiving any donated items is very necessary. The gear may be safe, but your peace of mind is the best key when shopping for your baby items. You need to find out items on the Consumer Product Safety Commission first to make sure that anything is on the safety standard. There are many website sources that provide you with their specifications.
Choosing for easy-on and easy-off baby clothes
Your newborn does not ask for designer clothes – the better option goes to a simpler design when it comes to those cute clothes, especially during their first few months. You can go with one-piece clothes which zip up or snap as well. You may find out that zipper clothes can save you, especially when you get a less sleeping time and should do something in a rush for your newborn. Do not buy onesies too much since you may get them more in your baby shower as well.
Just purchase one stroller
When it comes to the first picnic with your baby, you may find that a lightweight stroller will let you snap in the infant car seat is the best option and cheapest for now and a few months later. It gives you time to check other stroller options when you strolling around to the mall. You may choose a jogging stroller for runs in the park and other options for different needs. You should buy a stroller based on your needs. If you are a modern mom, you will purchase a lightweight stroller with many storage spaces underneath. You can buy it in the cheap baby stores, such as Birds&Bees.
Do not skip a baby carrier
You may not think that you will do too much walking with your baby unless she is in the stroller. Keep in mind that a baby carrier is worth your cost. You can ask around first to find out the best price and model for you, keep in mind that there are many parents prefer front carriers for the hands-free freedom, even if you are just going to walk around the house to calm your fussy baby as well. The front carrier is easier when you go out for shopping, it gives you a chance to get hands-on interaction with your baby as well. Birds&Bees also offers you with various models of baby carriers as well.
Bouncy seat in your top list
There are many tools and gadgets for new parents, but baby bouncer is a must-have item for you. What’s the best thing about this flexible seat? If you live in a home with more than one floor, then you need to consider bringing a second seat. Thus, you can leave one in the family room and another one in your bedroom to save yourself and your back as well. It is easier than you lugging the baby seat up and down the stairs. If you need a shop which selling affordable strollers and baby bouncer, get your reference on Birds&Bees.
You can buy several items until later
When you are creating your shopping list, then you need to register anything that you need during your baby’s first year. However, if you do not get a high chair or other items in your baby-shower gifts, then you should not run out and buy them before the due date as well. Your baby does not really need those items for several months later and you can purchase them as you go along. Go to Birds&Bees for all affordable baby items.
Birds&Bees Baby*Kids
Lokasi Toko :
Birds&Bees Kelapa Gading
Jl. Boulevard Raya Blok QA5 No.25, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara 021 451 4002
Birds&Bees Hanglekir
Jl. Hanglekir II, No.4A, Jakarta Selatan 021 721 0148
Birds&Bees Cibubur
Jl. Alternatif Cibubur No. 45, Jatisampurna Bekasi 021 2281 2940
Birds&Bees Bintaro
Jl. Bintaro Utama 9 Blok JA 1, No.10, Tanggerang Selatan 021 7451 605
Birds&Bees Bogor
Jl. Siliwangi No. 129 A, Bogor – Jawa Barat 0251 8318 788
Birds&Bees Pondok Indah
Jl. Metro Duta Niaga Blok BA 23, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
Birds&Bees Summarecon Mall Bekasi
Jalan Boulevard Ahmad Yani Lantai 2 No 2F-132, Jl. Jawa, RT.006/RW.002, Marga Mulya, Kec. Bekasi Utara, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat – 021 2957 2675
Birds&Bees Margo City Mall
Jl. Margonda Raya No.358, Kemiri Muka, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16423
021 2904 9260
Birds&Bees Kota Kasablanka
Jl. Casablanca No.88, RT.16/RW.5, Menteng Dalam, Kec. Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, 021 2961 2764
Telp. : (021) 29574244 / +6281311957385
E-mail : olsalesbnb [at] gmail [dott] com
Business Category :
– Baby Store
– Kids Store